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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Suspend all system processing for a specified number of seconds.



An integer value representing the number of seconds that ESL processing is to be suspended. The maximum value is determined by the SLEEPMAX parameter in the EslConfig.ini file. This value defaults to 60.


The range of integer values allowed for the SECONDS value is 0 to SLEEPMAX. The time that ESL waits is approximate; the actual elapsed time might be longer than the time you specify.

When a wait statement is executed, ESL queues any stimuli that it might receive. After the specified number of seconds has elapsed, ESL processes any queued stimuli in the order in which they were received.

If you specify wait 0, ESL will update (redraw) the screen immediately, even if all the action statements in the response have not finished executing. (Usually, ESL updates the screen only when the last action statement in a response definition has been executed.)



response to line from Database

 make Chart visible

 wait 10


action HoldForApp is

 wait WaitTime


# The following example will turn object green, then red, then

# green again. Without the wait statement, the object would not

# appear to change.


response to Go_PB

 make object green

 wait 0

 make object red

 wait 0

 make object green

See Also

refresh                        Action Statement

response to interval        Response Definition

response to timeout        Response Definition