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ESL Documentation

Object Inquiry Built-in Functions

Return the size of a region's window.

{window xsize|window ysize} [of] REGION_NAME


The identifier for a region.


Use the window xsize and window ysize functions only with regions and tables. The values returned are expressed in the coordinates of the specified region, as follows:

Graphical, Image, Sense, or Dialog Region


Value Returned

window xsize

The X dimension of the size of the region's window. (For dialog regions, this is expressed in dialog units.)

window ysize

The Y dimension of the size of the region's window. (For dialog regions, this is expressed in dialog units.)

Textual Region


Value Returned

window xsize

The number of columns in the window.

window ysize

The number of lines in the window.

Table Object


Value Returned

window xsize

The number of columns fully visible (always greater than one).

window ysize

The number of rows fully visible (always greater than one).

If you use these functions with any other type of object, ESL returns values of zero, along with an appropriate error message.



response to StretchHeight_GR

 change Graph_GR window size by 0 (-Squish_IV)

 if ((window ysize of Graph_GR) <= Squish_IV) then

         make StretchHeight_GR invisible

 end if