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ESL Documentation

A match clause can indicate that a word must appear in the input.  A word is identified by the keyword word in the match clause.  A word is any contiguous group of ASCII extended characters, including digits but not including blanks, control characters, or delete characters.  As with a character string, you can specify the exact positions that must contain a word, a range of positions, or no positions. In the response statement:


response to char        col 6 word from        Prog


column 6 must begin a word.  Because this match clause does not specify an ending position, the word may be of any length, including a single character.  In the following example, a word must appear somewhere in positions 6 through 10:


response to char        col 6 thru 10 word from        Prog


Any printable character in columns 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 results in a match.