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ESL Documentation

The coordinates referred to in a pattern are in the coordinate system of the graphical object that references the pattern. When an object contains a pattern reference, the drawing statements in the pattern begin at the current position of the object's cursors, and all movement within a pattern is performed in the coordinate system of the object. Therefore, when you specify coordinates in the drawing statements of a pattern, it is advisable to specify relative movement, using draw by, for example:


draw by 100 100


rather than absolute movement, using draw to. The draw by statement in the example draws a diagonal line, 100 coordinate positions to the right and 100 coordinate positions upward, beginning at the position of the graphics cursor. The angle and the length of this line are always the same, regardless of the graphics cursor position at the time the pattern is referenced.


ESL allows you to specify absolute movement in a pattern

statement, such as:


draw to 100 100


This draws a line beginning at the graphics cursor and ending at coordinate position 100 100 of the object that references the pattern. The appearance of the line therefore depends on the position of the graphics cursor relative to the origin of the object that contains the pattern reference, and the angle and the length of the line will differ from one reference to another.