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ESL Documentation

You can delete a breakpoint by double-clicking on the breakpoint in the source view window with the left mouse button or by selecting the breakpoint in the list in the Breakpoint dialog box, and then pressing the Delete push button.


The tutorial application, QSDEMO, is a simple application based on WELCOME.EAL. In addition to changing the color of the primary region, it changes the text of the region each time you change the color. It also has a sample dialog region.

If you have been following along with the tutorial, you should have a source window open showing the file QSD_ACTS.INC and, within that file, the action DoLogMsg. Double-click on the first action line within the action.

send LogMsg_SV LogMsgCount_IV to errorlog

It should now be highlighted in red, indicating that a breakpoint is set there. If this is the next line to be executed, you will also see a greater than character (>) in the left column of the window.

Select Debug ➤ Breakpoints to open the breakpoints dialog box. You should see the breakpoint in the list of breakpoints.

Experiment with adding and deleting breakpoints and with using the Show source push button in the Breakpoints dialog box.

Be sure that you set a breakpoint on the following copy statement, which is below the line response to item GreenChoice.

copy (Foo_IV+1) to Foo_IV

Once you have set breakpoints, start the application again by selecting Debug ➤ Go. Select Debug ➤ Show application to bring the application window to the foreground, then select Color ➤ Green from the application’s menu so that you will stop at one of the breakpoints you have set.