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ESL Documentation

QuikStep allows you to query and set simple global variables within your application. It also maintains a list of the ten most recent global variables you have set or queried. Variables can only be accessed when the application is being run in debug mode. Simple global variables are variables of type integer, string, boolean, or float, which are declared globally (i.e., they are not subroutine parameters or subroutine internal variables).

Note: You cannot access arrays or structures directly from QuikStep.

You can view complex or local variables by sending them to the errorlog (with an open Output Window).  

You can access the Variable Viewer dialog box (shown in Figure 3-4) by double-clicking with the right mouse button on a variable name within a source view window or by selecting Debug ➤ Variables.


You can query and set variables at any time as long as you are running your application in debug mode. This is true even if you did not compile your application with debug information. This feature gives you the ability to do some debugging even with your production applications.

If you do a variable operation while the application is running (as opposed to stopped at a breakpoint), you may see a delay in response if the application is executing large amounts of code within a single response.