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ESL Documentation

DB/Assist displays the following information about primary/foreign key relationships in the Primary Keys and Foreign Keys dialog boxes:

Name of primary key or foreign key column

Name of primary/foreign key relationship, as defined in DB2

Name of child table (for a primary key) or name of parent table (for a foreign key)

To display primary/foreign key information for tables and views, follow these steps:

1.Open the Database Schema dialog box, as described in Examining Column Attributes.

2.Double-click on any one of the following:

The name of a primary key column, indicated by PK in the Key column.
The Primary Keys dialog box for the selected column appears, as shown below.


Primary Keys Dialog Box

The name of a foreign key column, indicated by FK in the Key column.
The Foreign Keys dialog box for the selected column appears, as shown below.


Foreign Keys Dialog Box

The name of a column that is both a primary key and foreign key, indicated by PK/FK in the Key column.
The Foreign Keys dialog box for the selected column appears. The Primary Keys dialog box also appears if the table is a parent in a primary/foreign key relationship.
If the table is not a parent in any primary/foreign key relationship, a message box appears indicating this. Select the OK push button in the message box to see the Foreign Keys dialog box.


3. Select the Close push button or double-click on the system menu to close the dialog box.

If you double-click on a primary key column that has no child relationships defined, a message box appears indicating this.