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Building SQL Statements

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This chapter describes how to use the DB/Assist statement construction dialog boxes to build SQL SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT statements. It also describes how to build SQL Data Definitions Language (DDL) and Data Control Language (DCL) statements, which you specify as a type called Other in DB/Assist.

The following table lists the specific tasks covered in this chapter and the section that you should read for more information about that task.

If you want to ...

Then read ...

Select tables and columns in SELECT, UPDATE, or INSERT statements

Selecting Tables and Columns for SELECT UPDATE and INSERT Statements

Build an SELECT statement.

Building a SELECT Statement

Build an UPDATE statement.

Building a UPDATE Statement

Build an DELETE statement.

Building a DELETE Statement

Build an INSERT statement.

Building a INSERT Statement

The SQL statement examples used in this chapter are from the SAMPLE database that comes with DB2/2. Unless otherwise stated, we have made no changes to the SAMPLE database to obtain the examples.

To learn how to use DB/Assist to build SQL statements, we recommend that you try the examples as you read the chapter.