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ESL Documentation

Column names appear in your SQL statement in the order in which they are listed in the Selected Columns list box. For example, the SELECT/FROM Clause dialog box shown in Steps for Selecting Tables and Columns builds the following SELECT statement:




If necessary, use the Up and Down push buttons in the SELECT/FROM, UPDATE/SET, and INSERT/INTO dialog boxes to change the order in which the columns appear, as follows:

To move a column up one position in the Selected Columns list box, click on its name and select the Up push button.

To move a column down one position in the Selected Columns list box, click on its name and select the Down push button.

For example, in the SELECT/FROM Clause dialog box in Steps for Selecting Tables and Columns, moving the STAFF.NAME column down one position produces the following SELECT statement:




You can select only one column at a time to move up or down. If you select more than one column, the Up and Down push buttons become disabled.