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ESL Documentation

To create a new object, you may pick and place the object or drag and drop the object onto the Screen Editor's desktop.

To create a new object by picking and placing

1.On the Objects Palette, click on the picture of the object you want to create, or on the Create menu, click Regions or Controls, and click on the name of the object you want to create.

2.Move the mouse to where you want to position the upper left corner of the object.  The ESL object or desktop which contains the object will be its parent.

3.Click.  The Screen Editor creates the new object with a default size.

To create a new object by using drag and drop

1.On the Objects Palette, drag the object you want to create onto the Screen Editor.

2.Drop the object where you want to position the upper left corner of the object.  The ESL object or desktop which contains the object will be its parent.


The name of the object type is displayed on the status line when you click on the Objects Palette.

When picking and placing an object, use rubber-banding to size the object as you place it.  Depress the mouse button where you want to position one corner of the object, and release the mouse button where you want to position the opposite corner.

To clear your selection and escape from creating an object, press the Esc key, or click on the Pointer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the Objects Palette.

If an object has a title bar or frame, the place or drop position indicates the upper left corner of the client area, below the title bar or frame.

Objects are created with default settings for their attributes, including a default name based on the object's type.  To change the attributes of the created object, double click on the object to start the Attribute Editor.

See also:

Modifying the Attributes of an Object