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Navigation: ESL Documentation > ESL Layout Editor > Using the Attribute Editor

Modifying the Attributes of an Object

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To modify an attribute of an object

1.Select the General, Size and Position, Region and Frame, or All Attributes page from the dropdown list box.

2.Change the value of the attribute you're editing.

3.Click Apply to reflect the new value for the attribute in the Screen Editor display and to save your edit.

4.If you want to edit other attributes, repeat steps 1 and 2.

5.Click OK.  All your edits will be applied and saved.


You can move between pages using the arrows at the lower right of the Attribute Editor or by using the Page Up and Page Down keys.

Click the Cancel button to cancel any edit you have made since you last applied your edits.  The Cancel button becomes a Close button when all attribute settings have been applied.

Double click on another object in the Screen Editor to edit the attributes for that object.

See the individual ESL object sections for the list of attribute settings which the Screen Editor does not display.