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ESL Documentation


Set the time out.


call DDESetTimeOut ( Time_IV )


Time_IV is an integer value which is the number of milliseconds allowed before timeout.


Called by client.  This subroutine sets the timeout period allowed for every application in the workstation to respond to a DDE_Initiate message. Without a timeout, an ESL Application Client would hang if any other application within the Workstation failed to respond correctly, either because it was not written correctly or it was hung itself.

The timeout setting only effects the DDE Client functions; DDEInitiate and DDEPollTopics, as they broadcast a Windows Message to all applications and cannot continue until all applications have had a chance to respond. The broadcast message is sent to each application in turn, i.e. serially, each application is allowed the timeout period before the Operating System intervenes and passes the message to the next application. For example; with a timeout of 5 seconds (i.e. 5000 milliseconds) if 2 applications fail to respond, then it will take 10 seconds for the ESL functions to complete.

The default timeout period is set to zero, meaning there is no timeout, which is exactly the original behavior. It is only necessary to call this function if your application stops responding when using the DDEInitiate or DDEPollTopics functions. There is no limits on the value used for the timeout period, however, setting the value too low will result in the DDEInitiate and DDEPollTopics failing.


response to start

    copy 5000 to Time_IV

    call DDESetTimeOut (Time_IV)


response to start

   copy 100 to Time_IV

    call DDESetTimeOut (Time_IV)

See Also
