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ESL Documentation


Request that an advise state be established.


call DDEAdvise (ConvID_IV, ItemName_SV, Format_SV, Status_IV )


ConvID_IV is an integer representing the conversation ID assigned by the DDE DLL.

ItemName_SV is a non-zero-length string representing the item name.

Format_SV is a string value representing one of the formats listed below (defined in ESLDDE.INC), or any format string that references a text-based formatthat has been registered through a call to DDERegisterFormat Normally, DDEFMT_TEXT is used for plain text. Formats defined in ESLDDE.INC are:






Status_IV is composed only of DDE_FACKREQ and DDE_FNODATA status flags. The DDE protocol uses the DDE_FACKREQ and DDE_FNODATA status flags for this subroutine as follows:


The DDE_FACKREQ status flag is set if the client wants to acknowledge receipt of data. The client is requesting that the server  send all subsequent WM_DDE_DATA messages for this advise with the DDE_FACKREQ flag set.


The DDE_FNODATA is set if the client requests that the server send subsequent WM_DDE_DATA messages for this advise with a zero-length data portion.  The server informs the client that data is available.  If  the client wants the data, the client can request it by calling DDERequest.  The client must not attempt to retrieve data with DDEGetStringData if advise was established with the DDE_FNODATA flag set.


Called by the client.  This subroutine requests that an advise state be established.  An advise state is one where the server notifies the client of any changes in the data that is the subject of the advise.  This is sometimes referred to as a hot link.


Upon receipt of a request that an advise state be established, the DDE protocol requires that the server responds as follows.  The client should not attempt another DDE exchange for this conversation until the server has responded with one of these events.


Subroutine Called



(Advise state  established)

DDEAck with

DDE_FACK status flag set


DDE_FACK status bit set


(Advise state not established)

DDEAck with

DDE_FACK status flag not set


DDE_FACK status bit cleared


Posts a WM_DDE_ADVISE message to the server partner.


response to HotLinkKey

# Get ConvID_IV

   copy "itemname" to ItemName_SV

   copy DDEFMT_TEXT to Format_DV

   copy DDESetStatusFlag (0, DDE_FNODATA) to Status_IV

   call DDEAdvise (ConvID_IV, ItemName_SV, Format_SV, Status_IV)


response to stimulus DDE DDE_ACK

   copy true to HotLinkOK_BV


response to stimulus DDE DDE_NACK

   copy false to HotLinkOK_BV