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ESL Documentation


Register a format for use in a DDE exchange.


call DDERegisterFormat ( Format_SV )


Format_SV is a string value representing the data format you want to register.


Called by client or server.  This subroutine registers a format for use in a DDE exchange. An ESL program only deals with text-based data.


In ESL, standard clipboard formats are used for DDE conversations. These formats are pre-registered.  You can find the ESL names for these formats in ESLDDE.INC.  The DDERegisterFormat subroutine allows an ESL program to register a text-based format.


You can assume that any format string returned from DDEGetFormat on an existing conversation is registered locally or by the partner.


All subroutines and functions that accept a format string as an argument, with the exception of DDERegisterFormat, test the format string to make sure that it has been registered. The format may have been registered locally, or by the partner program.  Most applications register all formats in which they are interested when they start up.  Duplicate format registration causes no problems.


ESL programs should not participate in any exchange that requires a non-text-based format. Many programs use text formats with names other than DDEFMT_TEXT.


# Register a text-based format response to start

   copy "Csv" to Format_SV    # Comma separated value format

   call DDERegisterFormat (Format_SV)