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ESL Documentation

Up to two buttons can be included in any action bar. The buttons are typically used to display options that do not belong in a  pull-down, such as "F1 = Help".


When you define a button, you must specify the button after all the pull-downs, if you want it to the right of the action bar.


The following example shows how to define a button called HelpButton in an action bar.



    button HelpButton text "F1 = Help"

      accelerator is KEY_F1

end action bar


You can respond to this HelpButton by name. The user can select it using either the mouse or the accelerator function key F1. (See Accelerator Keys for more information on accelerator keys.)  The button text can also contain the mnemonic character, which is described in Mnemonics. Buttons can have an associated parameter (see Item Parameters).