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ESL Documentation

Drawing Statement

Draw a line in a graphical object.

[[color] COLOR] draw


to X Y [,X Y] ...}

color COLOR

A string value, integer value, or color keyword representing an ESL color. This draws the line (or sets of lines) in the specified color, overriding all other color specifications that otherwise would affect this drawing statement. If you omit this specification, ESL draws the line (or sets of lines) in the color specified in a pattern reference or object definition.


Draw a line from the current position to a new position that is offset from the current position by XOFFSET and YOFFSET, which must be integer values representing the relative offsets of the end of a line.

to X Y

Draw a line from the current position to a new absolute position specified by integer values representing the absolute X and Y coordinate positions of the end of a line, in the coordinate system of the object.


ESL begins at the current position of the graphics cursor. The draw statement moves the graphics and text cursors exactly as the move statement does, but it also draws a line from the old position to the new.

You can specify any number of sets of coordinates in a draw statement; ESL will continue to move the cursor and draw additional lines. Be sure to separate each set of X and Y coordinates with commas.

You must specify a separate draw statement for each different color. See the example of the Blackboard_GR graphical region that follows.


key Redo_Key at position 50 25

draw 20 40 # The line is white.

response to Redo_Key

add to Redo_Key

red draw 50 50, 50 0, 50 -50 # The lines are red.

graphical region Blackboard_GR size 100 100

at position 10 5

blue foreground

draw to 100 150 # This line is blue.

# The following line is drawn in the color stored

# in the Color_A_SV variable:

color Color_A_SV draw to 25 25, 100 100

See Also

draw arc Drawing Statement

move Drawing Statement