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ESL Documentation

Drawing Statement

Draw an arc within a shape definition.

In Specified Degrees:

draw arc DEGREES degrees [counter clockwise|clockwise]

center [by|to|at] XCENTER YCENTER

To a Specified Endpoint:

draw arc{by|to} XEND YEND [counter clockwise|clockwise]

center [by|to|at] XCENTER YCENTER

DEGREES degrees

Draw an arc of the specified number of degrees, which must be an integer value representing the number of degrees of the arc. Positive degrees draws the arc in the direction of travel around the circle. Negative degrees draws the arc opposite to the direction of travel around the circle.

counter clockwise

Define the direction of travel around the circle to be counterclockwise. This is the default.


Define the direction of travel around the circle to be clockwise.

center by

The center of the arc is a position relative to the beginning of the arc, which is at the current position of the graphics cursor. This is the default.

center to | center at

The center of the arc is an absolute position in the coordinate system of the object. The keywords to and at are synonymous.


An integer value representing the horizontal center of the arc.


An integer value representing the vertical center of the arc.


Draw an arc by the specified number of coordinate positions relative to the current position of the graphics cursor, where XEND is an integer value representing the horizontal endpoint of the arc and YEND is an integer value representing the vertical endpoint of the arc. If the starting and ending points of the arc are not the same distance from the center and you specify a center, ESL draws the arc with the starting point and the center exactly as specified, and the endpoint of the arc is drawn as close as possible to the specified endpoint, while preserving the circularity of the arc.


Draw an arc to the absolute coordinate position specified by XEND and YEND, where XEND is an integer value representing the horizontal ending point of the arc and YEND is an integer value representing the vertical ending point of the arc. If the starting and ending points of the arc are not the same distance from the center and you specify a center, ESL draws the arc with the starting point and the center exactly as specified, and the endpoint of the arc is drawn as close as possible to the specified endpoint, while preserving the circularity of the arc.


This statement draws a specified portion of a circle; all points along the arc are equidistant from the center point. You can only use a draw arc statement within a boundary specification within a shape drawing statement.

When ESL can draw a straight line between the starting point and the ending point of the arc, a single draw arc statement is a complete boundary specification.

A negative arc drawn when the direction of travel around the circle is counterclockwise produces the same result as a positive arc drawn when the direction of travel is clockwise.

The center specification defines the center of the circle of which the arc is a part. You must provide a center specification for the first arc in the first shape statement in a graphical object. Thereafter, if you specify a series of move arc and draw arc statements in a single graphical object, and if each arc has the same center, you do not need to provide additional center specifications. If you do not specify any center specification in one of these subsequent move arc or draw arc statements, the center is assumed to be the same as the center of the previous arc in that graphical object.


key Round_Key at position 10 10

draw arc 30 degrees clockwise center at 0 0


graphical region Starter_GR size 300 300 at 0 0

draw arc 180 degrees center XCenter YCenter


See Also

move arc Drawing Statement

shape Drawing Statement