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ESL Documentation

This window allows a physical name of a library associated with a logical name to be entered or amended:


The Map Entry serial of parameters allows for logical library names embedded within an ESL application to be mapped to a physical file name. This can be useful, if an ESL library has name duplicated by another library from a different supplier. For example, ESL has a library called "Message.dll"; however, if there is another library called "Message.dll", you can rename the ESL version of the library, to ensure the name is unique, then use a map entry parameter to link the logical name to the physical name. The map entry facility can also be used to access different versions of an in-house. These in-house libraries could be in different stage of development or access data file etc.

Use the "Delete" button to remove the Map Entry parameter setting from the configuration table. If there is no map entry, then the logical name of the library is used as the physical file name.