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ESL Documentation

Your ESL application and EDS sometimes use the same internal memory. Therefore, do not use the squeeze memory or save program commands in your application under any circumstances.

If you do, your application will commonly malfunction in these situations:

Between EDSParamOptions or EDSSetParam and EDSExecute or EDSExecDirect

Between EDSBindCol and EDSFetch

During asynchronous calls

Your application may display other unpredictable behavior.

Memory Size

The EDS memory pool is separate from the ESL memory pool. The EDS memory buffer size is 768KB. Since each EDS task running under Windows has it's own memory pool, this standard size should handle all but the most complex sequences of requests.

However, allocating a large number of connections with many statements allocated per connection could cause EDS to run out of memory, resulting in error message EDS_ALLOC_ERR. Currently there is no method to increase the maximum memory buffer, therefore, if your application receives the EDS_ALLOC_ERR, you should send a trace file to the ESL Help Desk.