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FAQs ESL Language

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Q1 How does the Range validation work on Entry Fields?

Q2 Why does the text of an empty Masked Entry Field appear to contain some characters?

Q3 How can I initialize an Entry Field that uses Masked validation?

Q4 How can I restrict the Characters being input into an Entry Field?

Q5 Why am I having a problem setting the text within an Entry Field?

Q6 How do I copy the selected line from a list box (or combination box)?

Q7 How do I remove the selected rows from a table?

Q8 How should I copy an entire textual region to another textual region?

Q9 How can I make use of Item Parameters?

Q10 How do I copy the text of a word wrapped MLE to a textual region and keep the line formatting?

Q11 What is a simple method of clearing all the members of a class?

Q12 What are the limits of ESL variables and objects?

Q13 How are rounding errors introduced within floating point arithmetic?

Q14 How should I compare floating point values?

Q15 How can I display a float point value with a specific number of decimal places?

Q16 How does ESL compare to 'C'?

Q17 How do you create a colored text file?

Q18 Why is the "switch" construction not giving the behaviour I expect?

Q19 How can I ensure the screen is kept updated when running long-winded routines?

Q20 Why am I having a problem when using the "FlushMessageQueue" routine?

Q21 How can I avoid using hard-coded paths for text files?

Q22 How does modality work in ESL?

Q23 How should I manage a Dialogs Permanency and Visibility?

Q24 What are the problems if the Permanency and Visibility rules are not followed?