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ESL Documentation

ESLLIB Subroutine

Reset all external strings so they will be reread from the DLL the next time they are used.

call EslXstrResetAllStrings(VARIABLES_ALSO_FLAG)


If this flag is false, then only string constants and literals will be reset. If it is true, then string variables will also be reset.


Reset all external strings so they will be reread from the DLL the next time they are used. This subroutine is only used in a few situations.

Use this subroutine when changing the primary or secondary string DLL; all string variables (not just the constants) must be reset to their initial value in the new language. In this case, call EslXstrResetAllStrings with a true flag. Do this with care, since it overwrites the current value of those variables. Generally it would be better to use string constants and then just reset those variables that need to be updated. This would also update arrays of string variables, unless they have been resized.


call EslXstrSetSecondaryDLL(LocalSlangDLLName_SV)

if (errorlevel = 0) then

  copy true to Flag

  call EslXstrResetAllStrings(Flag)

else # Cannot load DLL.


end if

See Also

EslXstrSetPrimaryDLL( ) ESLLIB Subroutine

EslXstrSetSecondaryDLL( ) ESLLIB Subroutine

EslXstrPreloadAllStrings( ) ESLLIB Subroutine