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ESL Documentation

ESLLIB Subroutine

Change the secondary external string DLL.

call EslXstrSetSecondaryDLL(DLL_NAME)


The name of the new secondary string DLL.


Change the secondary external string DLL. This does not reset string constants and literals that have already been loaded, that can be done either by following this call with EslXstrSetPrimaryDLL or EslXstrResetAllStrings. In order to refresh regions and controls that are already displayed, use the use "xsrefresh" Action Statement.

If this subroutine succeeds, errorlevel is set to 0, otherwise it is set to one of the following error numbers.

1 File not found.

2 File is not recognizable as a DLL.

3 Not enough memory.

Any higher error number is an operating system specific value. See the appropriate system documentation for the API that loads DLLs.


call EslXstrSetSecondaryDLL(LocalSlangDLLName_SV)

if (errorlevel != 0) then

  # Warn user, but continue.

end if

call EslXstrSetPrimaryDLL(LanguageDLLName_SV)

if (errorlevel = 0) then

  use "xsrefresh"

else # Set primary language DLL failed.


end if

See Also

EslXstr( ) ESLLIB Function

EslXstrPreloadAllStrings( ) ESLLIB Subroutine

EslXstrResetAllStrings( ) ESLLIB Subroutine

EslXstrSetPrimaryDLL( ) ESLLIB Subroutine

use "xsrefresh" Action Statement