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Q20 What are the Options for Binding?

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There are several bind options that can be specified when a DB/Assist bind occurs during the DB/Assist compile.  In most cases the default options are appropriate, but you can change any of these options. To view or change the bind options, select the "SQL Access Module" from the pull down menu and choose the "Options > Bind" item choice.

The following options are available:

Bind Filename

Specifies what the name of the bind file will be.  The default name is  the same as the .SAM name with a .BND extension.

Create Package

Specifies whether to create a database access package with the .BND file that is created.

Date/Time Format

Sets the date/time format to be used. (e.g. USA, International)

Isolation Level

Specifies how data is locked from other processes while it is being accessed. You can specify one of the following:

Cursor Stability. Cursor stability is the default choice.  This locks any row accessed by a transaction while the cursor is positioned on the row. The lock remains in effect until the next row is fetched or the transaction is terminated.

Repeatable Read. Repeatable read locks all the rows an application retrieves within a unit of work. It does not allow access to uncommitted changes made by the transaction during a unit of work.

Uncommitted Read. Uncommitted read lets an application access uncommitted changes of other transactions.  Other applications are not locked out of reading the rows.

Record Blocking Options

Specifies which type of record blocking to use and how to treat ambiguous cursors.  Record blocking is used to retrieve multiple records from a server, instead of accessing each record one at a time.

Unambiguous. Unambiguous is the default choice.  Blocking occurs for read-only cursors, those that are not specified as FOR UPDATE OF, have no  static DELETE WHERE CURSOR OF statements, and have no dynamic statements.  Ambiguous cursors are treated as updatable.

All. All blocking occurs for read-only cursors, those that are not specified as FOR UPDATE OF, and for which no static DELETE WHERE CURSOR OF statements are executed.  Ambiguous and dynamic cursors are treated as read-only.

None. No blocking is done on any cursors in the package. Ambiguous cursors are treated as updatable.