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LE_NEW New  (File menu)

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Select New to begin adding objects for a user interface.  The objects you create can be saved in a new ESL program file or in a new ESL include file.  Any objects on the Screen Editor's desktop will be cleared from the desktop.

Before you begin to create objects, the Screen Size and Optional Files dialog box is displayed.  You can set the screen size, specify a definition file and template file.

When you place your first region on the desktop, the Layout Editor will ask you if you want the object to be the primary region.  Though an ESL program always requires one primary region,  you may not be designing that portion of your user interface.  The Layout Editor prompts you only once for a primary region.  Use the Attribute Editor if you decide later to set the Primary attribute for a region.  


Always click New from the File menu when you want to start a new editing session.  If you start the Layout Editor and immediately add objects to the Screen Editor's desktop, you don't have the opportunity to set a screen size and specify a definition file and template file.

See also:

Creating a New Object