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Save As  (File menu)

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Select Save As to specify new files for storing the ESL code generated for the objects you have created or modified.  All other ESL statements from the opened files are also saved to the new files.

A Save As dialog box appears for each opened file which contains object definitions.  The Layout Editor will not prompt you for files which do not contain object defintions.  For example, if you are working with an ESL program file (.eal) which contains only include statements, you will not be prompted to enter a new name for the .eal file.  You will be prompted to enter new names for the opened include files which contain object definitions.

If you have added objects which are children of the desktop, the Layout Editor brings up the Set File for New Objects dialog box for each of those objects before performing the saves.


The title of the Save As dialog box displays the name of the opened file to be saved. If you have made any modifications to the objects from that file, "modified" also appears in the title.

You do not need to save each file.  If you want to cancel the saving of a file, choose Cancel.  The Layout Editor will display the next file to be saved in the Save As dialog box.

To compile with any newly named ESL include files, you must modify the include statements for those files in your ESL program.  If you have created a new include file, you must add an include statement for the file to your ESL program.

If you continue your Layout Editor editing session, you will be working with the files you have saved.

How the Layout Editor Generates Code for Objects