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ESL Documentation

Each object which is highlighted in the Hierarchy Viewer table will appear on the Screen Editor's desktop.  You can include or exclude any child of the desktop and all of its descendants.

To include objects in the Screen Editor

1.Click on the name of an object which is a child of the desktop.  All of its displayed descendants will also be highlighted.

2.Repeat step 1 to include additional objects.

3.On the Objects menu, click Include in Screen Editor.

To exclude objects from the Screen Editor

1.Click on a selected object which is a child of the desktop to deselect it.  All of its displayed descendants will also be deselected.

2.Repeat step 1 to exclude additional objects.

3.On the Objects menu, click on Include in Screen Editor.


When you click on the table entry for any object which is a descendant of the top-level object, the entire sub-hierarchy will be selected or deselected.

On the Objects menu, click Reset to reselect the names of the objects which are currently displayed in the Screen Editor.