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Using the Hierarchy Viewer

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The Hierarchy Viewer offers you a view of the objects in your ESL program or ESL include file.  The Hierarchy Viewer displays the parent/child and sibling relationships among the objects.

The type and name of each top-level object is displayed in the Hierarchy Viewer table.  You can then expand and collapse the hierarchy of child objects for each top-level object.

The Hierarchy Viewer also lets you choose which objects you want to display in the Screen Editor.  You choose one or more object units from your user interface.

Each ESL object which you have defined as a child of the desktop heads up an object unit.  All of its descendants are included in the object unit.

Working with a Portion of the User Interface

Opening the Hierarchy Viewer

Looking at the Children of an Object

Including Objects in the Screen Editor

Editing an Object's Attributes from the Hierarchy Viewer

Hierarchy Viewer Menu

Hierarchy Viewer Toolbar