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ESL Documentation

The ESL Local Application ESLPR.EXE has been rewritten to support several new commands and eliminate a number of minor bugs that have affected this local application. The corrections include:

1.The User may select the number of copies to be printed, via the Select Printer dialog.

2.When the filename is too long to fit into the heading, the string is intelligently truncated to fit into the available space.

3.When printing text reports, the text within the file is passed to the printer driver, instead of directly to the printer. This allows the use of different fonts, including variable pitched (or proportional) fonts and landscape fonts.

4.Allow for parameters, such as file and printer names, that contain embedded blanks. If the file or printer name contains a word that matches a command, then the string must be enclosed in double quotes.

5.Suppress multiple error messages when the printer selection dialog is cancelled.

6.The removal of the LPT1 .. LPT4 commands, which are obsolete. Please replace them with the "PRINTER printername" command.

7.When using text mode this version of ESLPR uses the OS/2 Standard for Line separators, that is, just line feed. Since carriage return characters are ignored, the Windows Standard of a carriage return followed by a line feed, is also acceptable. By adopting this dual standard, both existing Windows and converted OS/2 applications can be printed correctly without changes to the print files.

8.All error responses returned to the parent ESL application are prefixed with "ERROR:" in uppercase, instead of a mixture of upper and mixed case.

9.Only a single response is returned to the parent ESL application, per print request. This will either be "DONE" or an error message.