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ESL Documentation

Use this dialog box to link selected output columns or SQL statement input parameters with EASEL variables.



Lists all output columns and input parameters in the SQL statement.

Lists all null indicator columns twice to specify a null indicator variable.

Specifies argument columns with the clause keyword enclosed in parentheses, followed by the column name and the specified expression operator.



Lists the variables that have been linked with the corresponding statement columns.

To link a variable, select the column(s) to which you want to link the variable. Assign the variable by selecting it from the Variable List group box, or by selecting the New or Auto Create push button.

To unlink variables, select the variables and then select Unlink.


Variable List

Lists the variables in a specified file.



Displays the New Variable dialog box, which you can use to create a new variable to link to the selected column(s).


Select All

Selects all the columns in the table.


Auto Create

Automatically creates ESL variables of the appropriate types for the selected columns.



Unlinks (clears) the assigned variables from the selected columns.



Updates the SQL Access Module with the variable associations.

If you created new variables by using the New Variable dialog box or by using Auto Create, they are added to the list of variables that can be written to a file.

If you typed new variables in the SQL Editor window, the Assign Variable Types dialog box appears.



Closes the dialog box without performing any action.



Displays help for the dialog box.


Display this dialog box by selecting SQL Statement>Link variables or the Link variables button.