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ESL Documentation



ancestry of

Return the identifiers of the parent(s) of a specified object.

background at

Return the background color of a column and line position in a colored textual region

background of

Return the background color of a graphical region, image region, or textual region.

border of

Return the border color of a graphical region, image region, or textual region.


Return the value in a cell of a table.

checked in group

Return which radio button in a group is checked.

column grid is visible

Return whether column grid lines are on.

column is readonly

Return the read-only attribute of a column.

column is resizeable

Return whether a table column can be directly resized.

column is selected

Return whether column is selected.

column modifiability

Return whether the column definition of a table is modifiable.

column size of

Return the width of a column in a specified textual region.

edit key of

Return an integer representing the edit key.

edit mode of

Return whether a table cell is being edited.


Return whether a specified object currently exists.

foreground at

Return the foreground color of a column and line position in a colored textual region.

foreground of

Return the foreground color of a region.

format of column

Return the format string for a column.

handle of

Return the window handle associated with an object.

heading of column

Return column heading text.

helpid of

Return the help ID or extended help ID of an object.

is checked

Return the current check state of a radio button, check box, or choice item.

is maximized

Return whether an object is maximized.

is minimized

Return whether an object is minimized.

is readonly

Return whether a table is read-only.

is resizeable

Return whether a table allows column resizing.

is visible

Return whether an object is visible.

line size of

Return the height of a line in a textual region.

maximum of

Return the maximum value of a numeric spin button.

minimum of

Return the minimum value of a numeric spin button.

name of column

Return the name of a column.

parameter of

Return the current parameter string of an object or table column.

position of column

Return the position number of a column.

priority of

Return the current priority value of a specified object.

row delimiter

Return the row delimiter string for a table.

row grid is visible

Return whether row grid lines are on.

row is selected

Return whether a row is selected

row size

Return the height of each row in a table.

selectability of

Return the current selectability of an object.

selected columns

Return the number of selected columns.

selected line from

Return the line number of the selected line in a list box.

selected rows

Return the number of selected rows.

text of

Return the text string associated with an object.

text size of column

Return the maximum number of characters allowed in a string column.


Return the contents of a text or list box line.

textual row of

Return the value of all the cells in a row.

top of

bottom of

left of

right of

Return the coordinates of an object.

type of column

Return a column's data type.

value of

Return the value associated with an object.

visibility of

Return the current visibility of an object.

window xposition of window yposition of

Return the coordinates of a region's window or the first line in a list box.

window xsize [of] window ysize [of]

Return the size of a region's window.

xcursor of

ycursor of

Return the coordinates of the cursor's position in a graphical object or textual region.

xmiddle of

ymiddle of

Return the X and Y coordinates of the middle of an object's contents.



Return the origin coordinates of a object.

xsize of

ysize of

Return the size of a region.