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ESL Documentation

ESL SQL Wizard provides point and click SQL statement generation for; Microsoft  SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, ODBC, or IBM  DB2.

For information on supported versions, please contact the ESL HelpDesk.

ESL SQL Wizard provides easy-to-use construction dialog boxes which help you define a SQL SELECT statement with accompanying WHERE, ORDER BY, JOIN, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses.

A SQL Statement window displays the SQL select statement as it is being constructed. ESL SQL Wizard generates a full ESL application around the SQL select statement.  The ESL application can then be compiled and run under Windows.

Additional SQL select statements may be added to the application by constructing subsequent SQL select statements.  A separate include file stores the code for each SQL statement.

If the SQL query contains a primary key as one of its columns selected from the first table accessed, ESL SQL Wizard generates an ESL application providing;



DELETE functionality,

as well as VIEWING capability for the set of data generated from the SQL SELECT statement.

The include file generated for the SQL statement contains a dialog box with a table object for viewing the results of the SQL select statement, an Insert push button for inserting data into the table, an Update pushbutton for updating the table, and a Delete push button for deleting data from the table.  (Note that when you try to delete primary keys that have foreign key relationships, the behavior will depend on how you have configured your delete options.)

If a SQL select statement does not contain a primary key as one of its columns selected from the first table accessed, ESL SQL Wizard generates an ESL application for viewing information only. The include file generated for the SQL query contains a dialog box with a table object for viewing the results set generated from the SQL select statement.

A Test SQL option provides an alternate way for constructing, testing, and generating code for a SQL select statement.

By typing in a SQL select statement, you can then view the result set generated.

Creating a SQL Select Statement

Opening a Project

Saving a Project

Code Generation