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ESL Documentation

Action Statement

Remove lines from a textual region, list box, or alphanumeric spin button, or columns/rows from a table.

For Textual Regions:


{[line] LINE_NO [thru [line] LINE_NO]

| segment [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO

[thru [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO]

| block [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO

[thru [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO]}

from TR_NAME

For List Boxes and Alphanumeric Spin Buttons:

remove [line] LINE_NO [thru [line] LINE_NO]


For Tables:


{ column COL1_ID [thru column COL2_ID]

| row ROW1_ID [thru row ROW2_ID] }





Integer values representing the beginning and ending column or line numbers in the textual region or list box.

thru line

Remove all lines between and including the specified lines.


Remove all characters from the specified text segment, and any line breaks within the segment.


Remove all characters from the specified text block. Any text to the right of the block is moved to the left, filling in the gap created by its removal.


The identifier for a textual region.


The identifier for a list box.


The identifier for an alphanumeric spin button.


The identifier for a column.

column COL1_ID thru column COL2_ID

Remove a range of columns.


The identifier for a row.

row ROW1_ID thru row ROW2_ID

Remove a range of rows.


The identifier for the table.


Use this statement to remove one or more lines, a text segment, or a text block from a specified textual region; one or more lines from a list box or alphanumeric spin button; or one or more rows or columns from a table.

When text is removed from a textual region with the remove line and remove segment statements, any text following the removed text is moved to the left, filling the gap created by the removed text. Text never moves up when a block is removed.

When a line is removed from a list box, any lines following the removed line are moved up, filling the gap created by the removed line.

When a value is removed from an alphanumeric spin button, any values following the removed value are moved to fill the gap created by the removed value.

You can specify the beginning and ending line, or the beginning and the end of a block or segment, in any order.

When removing one or more rows or columns from a table, the parent of the table may not be temporary and invisible when you issue this statement, or it will be ignored.



response to Select

 remove line 3 thru line 10 from News


response to Select

 remove segment column 3 line 1 thru

 column 3 line 5 from Sales


response to Select

 remove block 3 1 thru 3 5 from News


response to Select

 remove line 3 from DataArea

See Also

block Definition

segment Definition

spin button Definition

table Object Definition