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ESL Documentation


Specify a text segment in a textual region.

segment [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO

  [thru [column] COL_NO [line] LINE_NO]


An integer value representing the starting and ending column numbers in the textual region.


An integer value representing the starting and ending line numbers in the textual region.


Use this specification only with textual regions, in an insert drawing statement, overwrite drawing statement, emphasize action statement, make segment action statement, remove action statement, or textual built-in function. Do not use this specification for a class of textual regions.

A segment is any set of contiguous characters within a textual region. The starting and ending character positions of a segment can be on the same line or on different lines, and can be specified in either order (first position through last, or last position through first). The segment includes the first and last character positions specified.

If the keywords column and line are not included, the first and third integer values in the definition are used as column values, and the second and fourth integer values in the definition are used as line values.

If you provide only one set of column and line numbers, the segment will be a single character position.

Color attributes are preserved when a segment from a colored textual region is inserted or overwritten into another colored textual region (or another part of the same colored textual region). If the segment is colored but the destination textual region is not, color attributes are dropped.


response to More

add to Notes

insert segment column 3 line 1 thru

column 8 line 3 from Writer

response to Less

remove segment 3 1 thru 8 3 from Notes

response to Change

add to Notes

overwrite segment 8 3 thru 3 1 from Writer

See Also

block Definition

emphasize Action Statement

insert Drawing Statement

make block and make segment COLOR Action Statements

overwrite Drawing Statement

remove Action Statement

textual Object Inquiry Built-in Function