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Generating Code for a New Object

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Rules For a New Object Which Is a Child of an ESL Object

1.The object definition will be placed in the same file as the object definition of its parent.

2.The object definition will be placed after the definition of its parent

3.The object definition will be inserted after the definition of all other objects already defined in the file.


This placement will affect the tabbing order.  You must edit tabbing order outside of the Layout Editor by rearranging the order of definitions of siblings.

Keeping a large region or dialog box and its children in a file by itself makes it easier to manage.

Rules For a New Object Which Is a Child of the Desktop

1.In the Set File for New Objects dialog box, you specify where you want to store the object definition.

2.If you specified a file already opened by the Layout Editor, the object definition will be placed at the end of the file.