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ESL Documentation


Define a sense region.

[enabled|disabled] [visible|invisible]

sense region SR_NAME size XSIZE YSIZE

at {[position] X Y|default position}

[in PARENT_NAME1 [in PARENT_NAME2] ... ]


at [position] WINDOW_X WINDOW_Y]

[priority is PRIORITY_NO]

[parameter is PAR_STRING]

[helpid is HELP_ID]

enabled | disabled

Define the sense region as selectable or not. If you define the sense region as disabled, it is displayed grayed and cannot be selected. The default is enabled

visible | invisible

A visible object is displayed when it is defined. An invisible object is not displayed until you specifically make it visible. The default is visible.


Identifier for the sense region.


Integer values representing the dimensions of the region's viewport in the parent's coordinate system. Defines the size of the region's viewport, and therefore its window if window size is not specified, in X Y coordinates.

at X Y

Integer values representing the position of the region in the parent's coordinate system.

at default position

When the parent is a graphical region, position this graphical region at the graphics cursor of the parent; otherwise, position the object at 0 0.


The identifier for a parent object.


Integer values representing the dimensions of the region's window. A point selected within this coordinate system is returned by the built-in functions xcoord and ycoord. Changing the dimensions of the viewport changes the values returned by xcoord and ycoord for a selected point.


Integer values representing the position of the region's window.

priority is PRIORITY_NO

An integer value representing the priority of the region. The default value is 0.

parameter is PAR_STRING

A string value representing the parameter of the sense region. The default value is "".

helpid is HELP_ID

A string or integer value representing the help panel identifier. This should match the help panel defined in the library specified by the help library declaration. the default HELP_ID is " ".


A sense region is a rectangular portion of the screen that can be selected. It has no graphical contents or visual appearance. Thus, objects underneath it are visible. A sense region can be used to define a selectable area.

Sense regions cannot have frame styles; sense regions cannot cover frame attributes.

If disabled, a sense region can be used to block selection of the objects beneath it.

Only the region specification, the identifier, the size specifications, and at X Y are required. Other attributes are optional. When specifying attributes, the priority, helpid, and parameter can be specified in any order. Specify all other attributes in the order shown in the model.

A sense region cannot have children.

Note that, because a sense region cannot have the focus, you cannot use the helpid for a sense region. However, helpid can be used as a second parameter.

A sense region uses X and Y coordinates to select objects underneath it.


enabled invisible sense region Select

size Width Height at position 100 20

priority is 10

See Also

enabled and disabled Attribute Definitions

parameter is Attribute Definition

priority is Attribute Definition

visible and invisible Attribute Definitions