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ESL Documentation


Define an internal subroutine.

subroutine SUB_NAME

([ TYPE1:ARG1_NAME [,TYPE2:ARG2_NAME] ...]) is





Identifier for the subroutine.


One of the following: integer, string, boolean, float, or structure STRUCTDEF_NAME (STRUCTDEF_NAME is the identifier of a previously defined structure type). For information about defining, declaring, and using structures, see the Programming Guide.


A variable of type TYPEn.


One or more variable definitions. The variables are local to the subroutine and cannot be referenced outside of it. Local variables are re-initialized whenever the subroutine is called. Note that you cannot declare a structure variable within a subroutine.


An action statement.


Arguments of the same type must be declared separately; for example:

integer:A, integer:B

Arguments and local variables cannot have the same name.

You cannot define another subroutine or action routine within other subroutines. You can, however, call subroutines, action routines, or functions from within other subroutines, as long as they have been defined or declared previously. Array variables may not be passed to ESL subroutines.

An ESL internal or external subroutine can take a maximum of 13 arguments.

Note that if subroutine definitions are placed inside a response, the execution of the response will be interrupted so that no other actions within the response will be executed.

You cannot define a constant within a subroutine.

All blocks defined within a subroutine must be guarded blocks.

You cannot declare a structure variable within a subroutine.


subroutine ReadFile(string:InputFile_SV,

string:DisplayRegionName_SV) is

read file InputFile_SV into DisplayRegionName_SV

response to GetFile

copy "File.dat" to InputFile_SV

copy "DisplayRegion" to DisplayRegionName_SV

call ReadFile(InputFile_SV, DisplayRegionNa_SV)

subroutine Factorial(integer:Number_IV, integer:Result_IV) is

integer I

J is 1

for I= 1 to Number_IV loop

copy (J*I) to J

end loop

copy J to Result_IV

action GetFactorialOf5 is

copy 5 to Number_IV

call Factorial(Number_IV,Result_IV)

send "Result: " Result_IV "\n" to errorlog

structure EmpRec is

string EmpName

integer EmpNum

end structure

subroutine InitEmpRec ( structure EmpRec: Employee ) is

copy "" to Employee.EmpName

copy 0 to Employee.Empnum

See Also

call Action Statement

structure Variable Declaration

structure is Type Definition

subroutine Declaration