The ESLReg library that provides access to the Windows Registry has been extended to include functions to read and write binary values.
The full list of ESLReg functions are:
OpenReg |
Opens a specified Registry Key. If the write mode is specified, the key will be created, if it does exist. The routine outputs a Registry Id (integer), which must be used in the other Registry functions. |
CloseReg |
Closes the Registry Id returned by OpenReg. |
ReadRegNumber |
Reads an integer value from the Registry. |
WriteRegNumber |
Writes an integer value to the Registry. If the value already exists, the value will be overwritten. |
ReadRegString |
Reads a string or binary value from the Registry into a string variable. |
WriteRegString |
Writes a string variable to the Registry as a string value. If the value already exists, the value will be overwritten. |
WriteRegBinary |
Writes a string variable to the Registry as a binary value. If the value already exists, the value will be overwritten. |
DeleteRegKey |
Deletes a specified Registry key. |
HexToBinary |
A utility function to convert a string of paired hexadecimal characters (0 - 9 & a - f) into a binary value. If the input string is invalid, a null string is returned. |
BinaryToHex |
A utility function to convert a string containing a binary field into a string that contains a hexadecimal equivalent. |
To access any of the above facility, the ESL application source must include the file "".