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ESL Documentation

Drawing Statement

Draw an ellipse in a graphical object.

[solid] [[color] COLOR] ellipse

major [radius] MAJOR minor [radius] MINOR


Fill the ellipse with the ellipse's color. If you omit this specification, ESL draws just the ellipse's perimeter (out line).

color COLOR

A string value, integer value, or color keyword representing an ESL color. Including this specification draws the ellipse in the specified color, overriding all other color specifications that otherwise would affect the ellipse. If you omit this specification, ESL draws the ellipse in the color specified in a pattern reference or object definition.

major radius MAJOR

An integer value representing the radius of the ellipse in the X direction.

minor radius MINOR

An integer value representing the radius of the ellipse in the Y direction.


ESL draws the ellipse centered at the current position of the graphics cursor. The final position of the graphics cursor is the same as its initial position, and the text cursor is moved to that position.

Either radius can be larger than the other, or the two radii can be equal. If the two radii are equal, the ellipse becomes a circle.


response to More

add to Object

ellipse major 50 minor 40

key Help at position 100 100

solid color NewColor ellipse major 100 minor 150

See Also

circle Drawing Statement

draw Drawing Statement

draw arc Drawing Statement